Monday, September 28, 2009

Reminiscences of School days...

Sitting by my window sill on a hot sultry September day, my memories drifted back to my school days..
That was truly the best part of my life, and I'm sure you would'nt agree otherwise. I realised the importance of school life when I first entered my college. It was as if a 'protective shield' had quietly evaporated in to thin air. There were no watchful eyes of my teachers who would scold me for bunking. In school, when we bunked a class, I was invariably engulfed with a mixture of emotions; that of excitement, adventure & constant fear of getting caught! And now in college bunking is child's play.
We hated it when we were scolded, and yet thats what I miss the most now; we yearned for freedom,for more space, and now when we have it all, I desire to stay under someone's command; there was a time when I used to literally run away from my books, and now I wish for nothing more than some books to study!
Wierd is'nt it? We never value the things we have, and when they are gone, we realise their complete importance.


Manish said...

sCOOL days are really the best part of anyone's lyf..actually this is strange but true dat when we r in school we doesn't lyk it...n now the place which we missed toooo much is the school...

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