Saturday, September 12, 2009

A night worth staying awake!

Yesterday was a sacred and pious night for the Muslims worldwide, known by many of us as Lailatul-kadr meaning “The Power of Night”.
Though shamefully I have little knowledge on this matter, but whatever I know, I would like to share with you.. Lailatul-Kadr, it is said, was that night in the month of Ramazan when the holy Quran descended on Earth at Mount Hira ( it actually descended precisely during dawn ) .
Angel Gabriel (messenger of God) delivered the contents of Quran to Prophet Mohammad and asked him to spread the message of God through Quran. Shocking? Yes it was that the Prophet did not know how to read and write, and yet he could miraculously read the Quran.
Since then in order to mark the significance of this auspicious night, Muslims pray the whole night long in Mosques and fast the next day (do Roza) . It is strongly believed that thousands-and-thousands of angels descend on Earth this night and they forgive even our most terrible sins.
Since childhood, Lailatul Kadr ( also known as “Jagne ki raat”) was nothing but a fun-filled night for me. My friends and I had gala time playing hide-n-seek in the mosque, and until now, we never really understood the importance of praying all night long. Now I’v fully absorbed the magical power and the meaning of several different prayers offered during the night and I felt blissfully at peace since for the first time I had prayed seriously on Lailatul-Kadr (From 11:00 pm to 4:00 am in the morning!) ...
For many, the spiritual thoughts might seem absurd, and believe me I was one of those who laughed it all off. But now that I’ve realized the beauty of this night, I impatiently look forward to the next Lailatul kadr night.

P.S: Since I've not been able to fully express the importance, run through this link
about Lailatul-Kadr if you really want to know what exactly it means.


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