Monday, February 8, 2010

"The Lackadaisical Law"

The name Ruchika Girhotra has become the inevitable 'top-scoop' in media. The news is simple, " A Harayana based DGP molested a girl that forced her to commit suicide". But what makes it huge is the role of media and public participation. It is pointedly shameful for the justice system of our country to deliver a verdict years later, and to add fuel to the fire, the verdict punishes the offender for merely six months!
Is it red tapism or clean bribery or a greater fear of projecting the police as 'criminals' that affected the judge's decision? The girl is dead now, and such a verdict brings little peace to the family's years of torture. What makes it even more unsettling, is the fact that the alleged officer wears an invariable smirk on his face... May be he's sure his money will buy enough government employees to dispose off the case.
I'm sure, like all the other ones, this case will also be conveniently forgotten after a few months. Like for instance the "Aarushi twin murder case", the "Jessica Lal case" and so on.... It rings a bell somewhere is'nt it?
Years later, when the court will deliver it's verdict I'm sure even the lawyers would forget what they were fighting for! I know it sounds satiric, but that's the bitter truth. What verdict huh?.. A decade's worth time to bring justice to the dead!


Tarun Sharma said...

nicely written!

It's easy to write about flowers or nature, ur memories, etc.But it's difficult to write about social issues,especially with pain, which is evident from the choice of ur words.

Unknown said...

Thanks Tarun..!

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