Love, such an abstract, undefined word.
Like a fountain, it ejects out happiness to one extreme end of the pool and sadness to the other end. I’ve been in situations when my mind literally waged a war deciding one vital question- whether it’s happy being single or is relationship a better way of living life. Of course, till date, I’ve failed to get an answer. Anyways that’s not the reason why I’m writing this blog. As I said, love brings happiness, but it also bestows sadness. And Indian culture with its high-melodramatic love stories, brings with it every possible emotion- bliss, fear, fights, tears, tension and dejection.
Recently one my friend grudged about being a ‘manglik’ and her boyfriend worried over the fact whether marriage was on their cards. Common now, seriously? We live in the ultra-modernized extremely-broadminded 21st century, where people have more conviction in science than superstitions. And yet, I find this perplexed couple fretting over their future on a baseless manglik issue. Look at Aishwariya and Abhishek, have you noticed that Abhishek is still alive, and they both even have a daughter? And well for your knowledge, Aishwariya is a manglik. I don’t disregard the whole ‘manglik’ or ‘mangal dosh’ thing, but making it the base for all matrimonial decisions is an absurd idea. The topping on this cake is still left, my friend went a step ahead, she went for online assistance for matching kundlis and finding solutions for manglik dosh. I wondered out loud then, “Such things exist online?” “Oh yes they do, I even found a matrimonial site for all mangliks”, she said. I could utter nothing except issue a deep sigh.
Indian culture is an unpredictable, highly volatile bag. Before a marriage, we have ten different issues that need to be settled down- Is the girl or boy of the same caste? Does he/she eat non-veg? What is the prospect’s education? What is his or her background? Can her father give dowry? Can she cook? How much does he earn?……and blah blah blah. Parents are concerned, agreed, but marriage in Indian context, has become more of a job profile’s check-list than a blissful union of two souls. Christians also marry, do they live unhappily because they do not match kundlis? Parents are concerned about their daughter’s marriage as soon as she turns eighteen, mothers set on a groom-hunting mission in every possible marriage, fathers worry over the marriage expenses of their still little girl and the relatives leave no stone unturned in pressurizing parents to get their son or daughter married!

Be ardent believer of manglik dosh or pass it away as superstition, but follow one thing, don’t let religious orthodox principles or culturally bound rule-books ruin your life, instead let those very principles act as a solid base for your values and empower yourself to live beyond the monotonous some ‘baba-assisted’ lifestyle .
Death is predicted for the spouse if you have manglik in the 8th house. Ashwairya's manglik dosh is in the 4th house I believe. This was the fear and this is probably why her husband's career has been going downhill.
Anonymous comment above me:
Abhishek Bacchan's career started going downhill much before they got married.
Reason: He has no acting talent and picks bad movies.
Both Abhishek and Aishwarya is Manglik. Thus cancelling their manglik dosh.
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