It has been a year and a half now. And I feel stupid enough, no not stupid but acutely unobservant to have failed to notice the thin discreet line of huts (commonly known as zhoparpattis) across our college campus.
It struck me today, when I casually glanced towards my right and saw the dilapidated shanties crumpled next to one another. A group of small kids played outside one of those huts, their feet naked, hair messy, and clothes hanging loosely off their shoulders…Their fathers were getting ready to start their day…some by setting up the tools which they would use to repair vehicles, others by cobbling shoes. This was how they earned their living...
I entered the university gates of DAVV. Inside those secured walls, the world was entirely different! We had a grand university sprawled amongst immense greenery and fresh air, this world somehow promised to bring out a bright future ahead of us. It bestowed on us an institute for education, a canteen to fill our stomachs, and freedom to roam about carelessly, yet we utilized it less and coveted for more and more.
But on the outside, just as you cross those walls, you find homeless kids working hard but with no future, playing with full energy even though their hungry stomachs were empty, gaping at us in awe when they deserved no less and being deprived of a bright future with no fault at all.
This is, what I call an “Irony”…
Indeed how sad it is that a wall can set apart two different futures for people belonging to the inner side and the outer side.
And if you can read my blog, that surely means you belong to the inner side! Be happy for what you’ve got, we never know when the ‘sides’ are exchanged and along with that our futures!
It struck me today, when I casually glanced towards my right and saw the dilapidated shanties crumpled next to one another. A group of small kids played outside one of those huts, their feet naked, hair messy, and clothes hanging loosely off their shoulders…Their fathers were getting ready to start their day…some by setting up the tools which they would use to repair vehicles, others by cobbling shoes. This was how they earned their living...
I entered the university gates of DAVV. Inside those secured walls, the world was entirely different! We had a grand university sprawled amongst immense greenery and fresh air, this world somehow promised to bring out a bright future ahead of us. It bestowed on us an institute for education, a canteen to fill our stomachs, and freedom to roam about carelessly, yet we utilized it less and coveted for more and more.
But on the outside, just as you cross those walls, you find homeless kids working hard but with no future, playing with full energy even though their hungry stomachs were empty, gaping at us in awe when they deserved no less and being deprived of a bright future with no fault at all.
This is, what I call an “Irony”…
Indeed how sad it is that a wall can set apart two different futures for people belonging to the inner side and the outer side.
And if you can read my blog, that surely means you belong to the inner side! Be happy for what you’ve got, we never know when the ‘sides’ are exchanged and along with that our futures!
Its been my observation too around my college....U rightly said we shud be happy wid wat v have got...
truly said... i think it will be more better if we can do something to break those walls.
DOOR's are.. there.. it's.. the.. Courage.. u got... to open that .. !!!!!!!!! :) :)
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